Home and Workplace

You can count on our experts to evaluate your dwelling or workplace and recommend individualized modifications that promote accessibility and independence!

Our Occupational Therapists and Other Experts hold multiple certifications:

CAPS- Certified Aging in Place Specialists
CHAMPS-Certified Home Assessment Modification Professionals
CEAC-Certified Environmental Access Consultants
CRRN-Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurses
CCM-Certified Case Managers

We are here to help! Call or email us today!


Making Your Life Easier is Our Job!
When life seems insurmountable, we at Dwelling Diagnostix provide customized home evaluations by certified professionals who recommend the necessary modifications toward independence and safety. We specialize in home assessments for those with spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, neuromuscular diseases, amputees, burns, blindness, and many other conditions.

Our co-founders saw a need for high-quality, personalized, innovative and professional home and workplace assessments and started Dwelling Diagnostix!

Our mission is to help individuals live their best lives! We help guide the way by recommending how to best modify your home or workplace to promote overall independence!

We collaborate with the insurance carrier, case manager, doctor, and contractors. With our experts guiding the way, we will make the process of home evaluation as seamless as possible. Let Us Diagnose Your Dwelling!
Unlocking Your Potential
Empowering Your Healthcare Journey

Home Evaluations and Equipment Assessments

Our certified professionals can evaluate your home and provide expert recommendations for modifications to meet your specific needs. We may recommend bathroom modifications, kitchen modifications, door widening, ramps, grab bars, handrails, shower equipment and more! Sometimes all you need is a recommendation for some simple durable medical equipment to gain back your independence. We can evaluate and make the proper recommendations. We are here to help!

Aging in Place Assessments

Many senior citizens and their families find themselves thinking about whether or not aging at home is still possible. We can help determine the best options for your needs. We provide onsite certified expert evaluations in multiple areas across the State of Georgia. We hope to help your loved one stay home longer with dignity and with pride. Leaving your home is never an easy thing and we hope to recommend solutions to keep you there as long as possible. We will also let you know when that is no longer possible.

Workplace Evaluations

We can assess and recommend workplace ergonomic solutions to help prevent workplace injuries. Prevention is key to preventing life long disabling injuries. We can also recommend onsite modifications to help your injured employee return to gainful employment. Sometimes a ramp, a custom desk, or modifications to the workplace bathroom is all that is needed to get your employee back to work and back to living. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of return to work! Let Us Diagnose Your Workplace!

 Whether you need home modifications or work place adaptations, we can recommend solutions that work for all parties. Our assessments promote independence and safety, while increasing your ability to perform common activities of daily living! Let Us Diagnose Your Dwelling! 

 For seniors, with our Aging in Place Assessments, our hope is to keep you in your own home as long as possible. We can provide solutions toward your ultimate goal. We will also let you know when that is no longer possible. We can also provide dwelling assessments for veterans. Let Us Diagnose Your Dwelling! 

 Our goal is to make sure you are as independent and safe as possible. We can assess and make recommendations that can truly change your life! Mobility challenges can feel insurmountable but our experts can give recommendations to get you back to living your best life! Let Us Diagnose Your Dwelling! 

  • PO Box 98357, Atlanta, GA 30359
  •  Mon-Fri - 8:00am-5:00pm EST